Hey fellas!
Quick one this Friday to announce that I’ve opened up a Gumroad shop, step 2 in the long march to monetization.
I’ve got three books on offer there currently:
The Art of Renton Hawkey v.1: If you subscribed to rent*space back when, you should have gotten a PDF copy of this for free, BUT, you can now purchase the DELUXE edition with 6 extra prints if you want.
Legendary Ronin Warui Hito: A one-shot from the classic run of Ronin Digital Express. It’s still available for free over on that Substack, but not for long. I will be removing old chapters to make way for the reboot soon.
Tower of Death: That’s right! If you missed the Kickstarter, you can finally get your hands on a digital copy of Tower of Death, the continuation of Ronin Digital Express, and herald of the upcoming reboot (albeit for a small markup to reward my backers).
I have a series of one-shots and short comics cooking in the background that will only be available through Gumroad (or print, if you can find me at a con) so subscribe and/or keep an eye on this space.
I’m also working on another art book (this time I’m going all-in on NSFW stuff, it’s gonna be fun).
Lots more to come!
Happy Friday, and be good.