Here's a quick little Batman comic I drew for you.
No time for me today? Here are the highlights:
I drew a 3-page Batman comic for newsletter subscribers
You also get a sneak peek at some Ronin Digital Express
Iceman was always gay and I can prove it.
Last newsletter, I included this page from Batman #47 written by the GOAT, Bill Finger.
I had a hair that it'd be cool to see Finger's words with a more modern art style (sorry, Bob) to see if the drama from the original script translates well with a different look.
I also need more practice putting pages together, so, see where this is going?
I did try to color it, but it didn't work out. I have to concede defeat there. No excuses. Lots to learn.
Process-wise, I had a tough time getting started. These are some of the first legit pages I've done, so despite how straightforward and unspectacular they might look, I was really stumped on that first page wondering... how exactly do I get going, here?
What worked for me was starting with the thing I want the reader to focus on and building around it. So I put Batman and Joe Chill in a box.
I used to run myself into the ground thinking too much about peripheral details. You can get hung up on minutia really easily, and add a bunch of details to "sell" the realism or whatever you're trying to do.
But when you look at that kind of art, it feels off, right?
No one really cares about how detailed a clock on a mantle is, or how much rust is on an old motel sign.
You need the reader to feel the scene at a glance. Seems like that's a matter of not distracting them with needless detail.
Though you can't skimp on your perspective work either, because that's also a distraction for the reader.
Anyway, I've done three pages and I'm basically an expert now.
NOW, onto some Ronin Digital Express.
A few issues back, I shared a test page for RDE I put together just to get my feet wet.
I'm continuing that practice, but this time in the mobile format I'll be publishing in.
Here's a sneak peek:
I'll get you the rest fully-inked and colored next time.
The Big Two have been putting out some stellar reprints lately. On the stands at your LCS right now are Daredevil #181 (the "death of Elektra" issue, which is told from the perspective of Bullseye, and in terms of craft and pacing is one of the best comics ever published), Batman #232 (which was adapted almost panel-for-panel for the Batman Animated Series episode "The Demon's Quest Part 1" and is amazing, though contains some awkward/unintentionally funny dialogue), and X-Men #1 (which proves once and for all that Iceman was gay from day one):
Though not a new comic, I also picked up the complete The Killer and heartily recommend.
Longtime readers know about my soft spot for European comics, so this is admittedly catnip for me.
Anyway, not to cheat your LCS out of the sale, but it's a steal on Amazon for like $30.
That's it for this week's adventure.
As always, thank you for your support.
I don't have a Patreon, nor do I ask for donations. If you want to help me, the best thing you can do is share this content with your followers if you enjoyed it.
Thanks for being here all the same.
Back to work.