New episode of Ronin Digital Express! Let's get faded!
No time for me today? Here are the highlights:
Ronin Digital Express episode #3 "Ronghua" is live.
BONUS exclusive newsletter content (let's get faded, homie).
Hey folks!
Short one today, just to announce the publication of the newest episode of Ronin Digital Express, "Ronghua."
This one really sets the stage for where I want to take the overall concept. I think you'll enjoy it.
It also nearly killed me. I'll do a post-mortem newsletter soon, so you can see all the mistakes I made and why this was such a wait.
Indeed, you shall have a real answer to that primordial question which menaces every man, woman, or gender non-conforming person from time to time: "what the fuck is taking so long?"
You can read Ronghua here.
Also, I'm going to start doing exclusives for the newsletter audience.
That's you, dingbat.
In every issue of rent*space wherein I announce a new episode's publication, I will include a piece of world-buildy backmatter to enhance your reading experience.
Feel free to share if you enjoy, just point some foot traffic back my way if you don't mind.
Here's this episode's entry:
Drink up. Life is tough in Sheji.
It won't always be a recipe. I might do some character cards, or pinups as well.
In fact, if you have a cool idea you want to see, hit me up.
That's all for now.
Thank you for your support. It really means a lot.
Be good.