Ronin Digital Express preview: Episode 3 'Ronghua'
No time for me today? Here are the highlights:
Want me to draw you an avatar? Proceeds to charity.
Ronin Digital Express #3 preview, touch-ups to episode #1
Are you a Webtoon creator? Got a tip for you.
Hey everyone. Happy Tuesday.
A little housekeeping before we jump into the preview.
First, I made some much-needed touch-ups to episode 1.
I really didn't know what I was doing in terms of format at the time and was still finding the style of Ronin Digital Express, so I've re-lettered it and made some tweaks to the style to bring it more in line with where we're going.
As an example, here's some before (L) and after (R):
Some of it was just layout stuff.
On the left is the old episode, back when I thought I had limited room and tried to cram things together to compensate.
I've edited (look right) to create a better, clearer reading experience.
Anyway, if you want to give it another read, or a like, or a comment, or subscribe, check out the new and improved episode here.
One more thing.
I've volunteered to help local non-profit 100State with a year-end fundraising effort.
100State is a great community of entrepreneurs and artists in Madison, WI, and long been a home to me, both for dayjob stuff and sketching. Like most businesses, they've been hit hard by that goddamn Covid bug.
So, I've offered my time to the cause and am drawing profile pictures/avatars to raise some money.
If you want one for yourself in my style, read the rules below.
Here's the donation link.
I always describe Ronin Digital Express as a Western.
It's a western blended generously with Akira Kurosawa and topped off with some cyberpunk garnish, but a western nonetheless.
Episode #3, "Ronghua," is where I really start living up to that.
Not to knock what I've done so far, but I think I've cracked the visual "language" of RDE, and this really represents where we're going with the vibe.
Here's the prologue to the episode. The rest should be coming in a few weeks, work permitting.
I'll include some behind the scenes bonuses as usual in the next issue when the episode goes live.
Hope you enjoy. I'm sure excited.
I've mentioned this online a few places, but just in case you missed it, I've got a hot tip for the artists out there.
If you're a Webtoon creator, get yourself a copy of G.I. Joe Yearbook.
The layouts, particularly in issue #2, are dead-ringers for the vertical panel style of Webtoon and Webtoon Canvas. If you're struggling with or curious about the format, get this book and study it.
I posted some screencaps from the book over on reddit if you want to take a peek.
(You can follow my page and upvote my stuff while you're there if you like!)
That's all for now.
Thank you for your support. It really means a lot.
Be good.