
No time for me today? Here are the highlights:
Two short comics for your pleasure.
Some heterodox recommendations.

In comics, I'm generally a loner.
I'm greedy. I want all the risk and all the reward.
But I do collaborate with other writers from time to time. Most notably, Milton Lawson on Event Fatigue Podcast (I promise more episodes are coming soon).
Here's another collaboration. This is Encore, written by Rick Quinn, who has built a respectable name for himself in indie/small press comics.
He has also run a couple of hugely successful Kickstarters. The kid can't fail. You'd hate him if you didn't love him so much.
It was a pleasure working with him. Naturally, any errors here are my own, but overall I'm proud of what we did.
Here goes:






And, extra wurst for you, here's a mini Ronin Digital Express:

WIPs have been posted on Instagram and Twitter for each if you feel like tracking those down.
I have a few more non-RDE shorts in the pipeline now, and then it'll be full steam ahead on the first couple chapters, previews of which you'll see here as we head into July.
I might drop to monthly newsletters between now and then, and if you haven't noticed by my radio silence, I started a bit of social (media) distancing in the past several weeks as well, so do me a favor and help build up steam for the newsletter and my work by sharing this.
Here are a couple of random WIPs for illustrations I'm working on as well:

Not sure why we're in a Street Fighter Alpha lane, but here we are.
I'm also working on this Metal Gear Solid 2-inspired Mr. X:

I'm not sure if I want to keep up with the pop culture art.
The only reason I've been doing it is to drive social engagement, but that seems hit or miss. Lots of work for mediocre returns.
Though I did a recent run of Metal Gear-inspired art that actually did pretty well on Instagram, so you can check it out here or find it/RT it on Twitter here if you like.
Like I said, hit or miss.
Let me know if you like seeing this kind of stuff from me. I'll trust you.

I've been keeping a physical journal since this pandemic started. I saw somewhere someone recommended picking it up as a hobby, since there might be some historical interest to it decades from now (if we're all still here, you know).
Anyway, it turns out I have a lot of pandemic-related thoughts about identity, society, and let me just stop myself right there, because I'm starting to sound like one of those armchair Instagram philosophers that frankly nauseate me.
Point is, the journal and its reflections are my own. I'm not gonna share any of that in this newsletter.
But I do want to recommend you consider journaling. I didn't think I'd like it, but I actually kind of do. I don't really think I'd keep it up beyond the pandemic, but the world going to hell creates some novelty to it.
I've been doing a lot of other activities as well. I think I'm trying to say, do activities.
I'm still working full time (thankfully) but without all those birthday parties and whatnot crowding your weekends anymore, there is more time now, and you can only binge so much Netflix before you want to set your television on fire and then shove your face into the hot broken glass.
Not that I've contemplated that exact course of action or anything.
Hey, I also read this book Sum that the aforementioned Rick sent me as a gift. Short chapters.
That's it for this week's adventure.
As always, thank you for your support.
I don't have a Patreon, nor do I ask for donations. If you want to help me, the best thing you can do is share this content with your followers if you enjoyed it.
Thanks for being here all the same.
Back to work.